Monday, November 8, 2010

I heart PokerStars

In my recap of what's been going on last month, I forgot to mention a few things that improved my love of PokerStars.

First they had a sale in the PokerStars VIP store and I grabbed a fleece zip-up jacket (pictured right) for about half (I think) the normal FPP's. As usual, it arrived much sooner than I expected and it was great value ... although being Spring here in Brisbane, I won't get to actually wear it for a few months.

Then, later in the month after playing a number of the $6.50 45 man games, I unlocked my next Stellar rewards bonus. It was last $10 level so I'm now working towards unlocking a $50 bonus which is a little more meaningful for my bankroll.

Considering I originally deposited just AU$20 which at the time was US$12, I've since received more than $100 worth of bonuses, a PokerStars black t-shirt and now the fleece jacket.
I <3 PokerStars

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